
Navy Mesothelioma - A Vocational Hazard

Navy Mesothelioma - A Vocational Hazard
Have you come across the term "Navy Mesothelioma"? Mesothelioma is a tumor that is caused due to extensive exposure to asbestos. Since such extensive exposure to asbestos is common with people who are working with asbestos, it is common to see people with mesothelioma in workers like electricians, insulators, fireproofing, roofing, plumbing, etc. Also, asbestos was used extensively in defense applications making defense personnel vulnerable to the condition. So, navy mesothelioma has become a term coined to indicate the high incidence of mesothelioma among navy personnel.

Asbestos, due to its sturdy nature and its fire resistant properties was regularly and heavily used in ships and in shipyards making navy personnel get a high exposure to asbestos. The poor ventilation in ships added to the increased contribution to causing a high incidence of mesothelioma among navy personnel and in close members of their families.

Mesothelioma is a highly debilitating and deadly disease that occurs a long time after asbestos exposure. It takes about almost 20 years or so for the symptoms to occur initially and might take a few more decades to become fully blown. By the time the symptoms progress and the disease can be diagnosed, there is usually not much that can be done to prevent further progress of the condition and will eventually lead to death.

Navy mesothelioma is difficult to diagnose as the condition. The exposure to asbestos is one thing in the previous history that will usually help point in the right direction. Navy mesothelioma is often diagnosed using the present signs and symptoms that are seen and with observing the CT scan findings.

The treatment options for mesothelioma is often limited and is also dependent on the extent of the condition, the age of the person and his general health condition. Radiation therapy is a treatment option wherein high energy radiation (x-rays) are used to try and regress the tumor and kill the cancerous cells. Another treatment option is to give chemotherapy wherein a drug combination is used to treat the navy mesothelioma and to prevent further spread of the condition.

People suffering from mesothelioma are also resorting to taking legal action by suing companies that have been manufacturing asbestos and resorting to their use without warning the public about the hazards of its use. But, people with navy mesothelioma are in a fix as they have limited abilities to seek legal action. However, they too are now getting legal help and getting benefits that will help them in getting proper treatment for this debilitating condition that has no total cure.

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