
Diseases Caused By Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos had once been regarded as a miracle mineral. It is naturally occurring, so it is relatively cheaper than other materials. Asbestos was even used as a key component of protective gear for industry workers because it is highly resistant to heat and fire. However, doctors started to see the negative effects of asbestos exposure on people as early as 1940. Since then, there have been moves to heavily regulate or even ban asbestos in several legislative bodies in the country. 

Presently, asbestos is allowed in a few products – particularly those that have something to do with insulation– though in very little amounts. However, the medical community generally does not identify a “safe” amount of asbestos. Hence, the mere fact that some products still contain traces of the said mineral makes people vulnerable to exposure. If asbestos exposure happened in the workplace during normal work hours, the affected worker can seek the help of competent attorneys such as those from Bergman Legal to file a case and get compensated.

Just what illnesses do people get or develop if they get exposed to asbestos?


Asbestos is fibrous and can easily be made airborne. If a person inhales them, the little fibers get into the lungs, and they may irritate the tissues that surround them. This irritation can cause inflammation and scarring, which in turn can cause serious symptoms such as chest pains, shortness of breath, and incessant coughing. The latency period for asbestosis is quite long, and this is one of the reasons it’s quite a challenge to diagnose a patient with this illness. In many cases, symptoms start appearing only after 10 to 30 years after the asbestos exposure.


The scarring and inflammation present in patients with asbestosis are considered serious risk factors for the development of more serious ailments such as mesothelioma. Malignant mesothelioma is actually a type of cancer that affects that thin membrane that covers the lungs and other organs such as the heart and gut. This layer is called mesothelium, and this is where this type of cancer gets its name.

Symptoms of mesothelioma mimic those of less serious respiratory illnesses such as chest pains, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Clearly,  this makes it a bit harder to diagnose the health issue earlier. Oftentimes, patients are diagnosed only when the cancer has progressed into the advanced and less reversible stages.

Other forms of lung cancer

Aside from mesothelioma, other forms of lung cancer are also caused by asbestos exposure. Like mesothelioma, the other forms lung cancer trigger symptoms that resemble the signs elicited by less serious illnesses. Many patients tend to ignore them, and it’s already too late when they start seeking medical help.

Though it takes time for the illnesses to develop, the diseases that asbestos exposure brings to the patient are serious. In fact, data shows that survival rate is only at 49%, and this happens only when the illnesses are diagnosed early. For this reason, everyone is urged to avoid asbestos-infested places.

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